
17 year Drupal member killed in hit and run

Long time Drupal contributor Kevin Walsh died on Tues July 19th, 2022 after being struck by a hit-and-run driver.

News article

Drupal View with Nodequeue Priority

Sometimes you want a View that follows the internal logic of the filters you set up on the View, but also can have some items hand selected or cultivated to the top of the View. Or perhaps the other way to describe it is a Nodequeue View that is backfilled with some other View based logic  so that you end up with a full display regardless of how many items are actually in the Nodequeue.

Git --continue vs --no-verify

I use git commit hooks to run my code through code sniffer prior to commit.  If the code is not up to code style standards, the commit fails and you have to go fix it before it will commit.  In some rare instances (kept to a minimum of course) there is code that will just not pass code style review.  In those cases it is best to wrap the code to make it exclude review.

Codit: Blocks a video introduction to making custom blocks

This screen share walks you through why you might want a more powerful way of making blocks and why Codit: Blocks is a good candidate if you need lots of custom blocks.

Codit and Codit: Local Introduction Video

This is a short screencast showing the basic concept of Codit and Codit: Local and where to place them in a Drupal site.

Install a Drupal Site and Profile

To install a Drupal site into a specific directory, this process works nicely with drush:

Drupal Code Style Review

Do review you Drupal code for style:
Install coder and enable enable it
drush dl coder
drush en coder

Then to run code style review on any module, cd into the module

drush dcs

Or on a specific file:

Installing drush

Here are some commands for installing drush from the command line

sudo apt-get install php-pear
pear channel-discover pear.drush.org
pear install drush/drush
drush version
pear upgrade drush/drush

But this is the new preferred way using Composer on *nix

# install composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=bin --filename=composer
# You may need to mkdir ~/bin first if you don't have one.
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