Git shared workflow

This is the very basic idea behind a pull request based workflow.

The basic github pulll request workflow

  1. Pull from a prime remote repositiory. (never push to this repo)
  2. Commit your work locally and push to your remote fork
  3. Use github to create a pull request to the prime repo.


This summary is generated from this article Collaborative development with Github

  1. Fork the repository you want to work with into your own account (private repos stay private)
  2. clone your your fork:  git clone {url or ssh link} {directoryname}
  3. Keep your master in sync with the source master  (git remotes help with this)
  4. Make a new branch for your changes
  5. work work work
  6. When ready, rebase and squash to clean up.
  7. checkout master and merge in the latest changes from the source: merge {sourcename}/master 
  8. Rebase your branch work on top of current master (to align the commit timelines).
  9. Make pull request from yoru branch to the source on github.
  10. checkout master and merge in the latest changes from the source: merge {sourcename}/master  
