Drupal: Check to see if a file or directory exists

Sometimes you want to see if a file or directory in the managed file system exists and base your logic off its existence.
Example: wanting to know if the directory /sites/web-dev.swirt.us/files/jqueryui_theme/redmond/ exists before including it
Use is_dir() http://php.net/manual/en/function.is-dir.php
The trick is to add the public:// stream wrapper


if ($bDirectoryExists) {
// It exists so do something with it.

} else {
// It does not exists so go whine about it.


Example: wanting to know if the file /sites/web-dev.swirt.us/files/jqueryui_theme/redmond/jquery.ui.base.css exists before including it
Use file_exists() http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-exists.php


 if ($bFileExists ) {
// It exists so do something with it.

} else {
// It does not exists so go whine about it.


Check to see if a file exists in the Theme

Checking for the existence of a file in the Theme requires a little bit of work to get the pathing. It would look like this

global $theme_path;

// Path to file must be like this (no initial slash)
//  sites/web-dev.swirt.us/themes/ssnresponsive/css/global.css
$bFileExists file_exists($theme_path.'/css/global.css');
if (
$bFileExists ) {
// It exists so do something with it.

} else {
// It does not exists so go whine about it.
