Alt attributes on links (just say NO)

I have run into many instances in our sites, especially on grid templates where alt attributes are being set in a link option. This should not be happening. There is NO alt attribute for anchor tags. Only img tags have alt attributes and they should/must be used.

This is an example of BAD code [The link has an alt, but the img does not.]

= array('attributes' => array('class' => array("grid-book-link"),'alt' => 'Book Now', 'title' => 'Book Now'),'html' => TRUE);
$sBooking_link = l("<img src='".path_to_theme()."/images/book_now.png' />",$aListing->booking_url, $options);

This is an example of GOOD code [The link has no alt, but the img does.]

= array('attributes' => array('class' => array("grid-book-link"), 'title' => 'Book Now'),'html' => TRUE);
$sBooking_link = l("<img src='".path_to_theme()."/images/book_now.png' alt='Book Now' />",$aListing->booking_url, $options);

Bad example

<a href="" title="visit this great site" alt="visit this great site">
    <img src="/images/cool.jpg" />

Good example

<a href="" title="visit this great site" >
    <img src="/images/cool.jpg" alt="visit this great site" />