
HP Pavillion 15 Dual Boot Ubuntu - Wifi Trouble

I just purchased a new HP Pavilion 15-au062  15.6" with an Intel Core i5-6200U Processor, 8 GB RAM, and 1 TB SATA Drive.  It has a backlit keyboard and seems to be a pretty decent build.  Not aluminum or titanium, but pretty solid for ~$500.

I wanted to make it dual boot Xubuntu 16.10   Installing Xubuntu went pretty smoothly once I figured out that you have to press esc as soon as you see the screen flash to intercept the bootloader.  Too soon and it doesn't read the key press, too late and it's too late.  

Large CSV Manipulation tricks

I sometimes have to deal with large csv files that need some massaging and they are too big to rely on spreadsheet program to handle.  Here are some tips that I sometimes use in the terminal on ubuntu.

To remove duplicate rows:

awk '!seen[$0]++' duped.csv > DEduped.csv

To remove rows with certain strings in the row and make a backup file:

Ubuntu and Brother HL-2270DW

I tried out many more complicated methods of getting my Brother HL-2270DW to work with Ubuntu. This much simpler method worked great.

  1. Select Network Printer.  
  2. Often two will appear, choose the one that looks like "dnssd://Brother%20HL-2270DW%20series._pdl-datastream._tcp.local/"
  3. For Make and Model, select “Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended)”

Thats all there is to it.

Ubuntu boot partition too small on System76

My boot partition is too small on my System76 Kudu and I encrypted the drive.. so I guess I am stuck with it until I want to start over.

When it gets filled up, the advice to use the following never seems to clear enough space.

sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove

So I have found that I have to use

Redirect wildcards to a single root directory

When you want to redirect a bunch of possibilities to one path and you want that path to return the default file (index.php, index.html ...) but for SEO reasons you just want to point to the root of the directory, not the default file, use something like this in .htaccess

# Redirects any request to directory
RedirectMatch 301 ^/.*$

# Redirects any request for /foo/* to directory
RedirectMatch 301 ^foo/.*$

xubuntu System76 harddrive running clicking

I have a System76 Kudu that I am very happy with. I installed xubuntu over the top of Ubuntu already on it. It is setup with a mSATA SSD drive for the operating system and storage AND a 1TB traditional drive for backups and other stuff. I am not sure of the cause but for some reason the extra drive doesn't always spin down the way it is set to, and in rebellion is ticks every few seconds.

Xubuntu keyboard sound controls

I spent days looking for a solution to the keyboard sound keys not working on my xubuntu 13.10

This post saved the day.

Where is my key

When you can't find your public keys, try looking in

That's where they are in my ubuntu 13.10

zshell a better shell

install zshell
then extend it with oh-my-zshell

Very helpful using it with the git plugin


XAMMP can be a quick and easy setup of apache, php and mysql.

The working directory for the install is


Apache Conf File (httpd.conf): /opt/lammp/apache/conf/httpd.conf

PHP Conf File (php.ini): /opt/lammp/xampp/apache/bin/php.ini

MySQL Conf File (my.cnf): /opt/lammp/xampp/mysql/bin/my.cnf


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