PHP String or Character Replacement (preg_replace)

Sometimes you want to run multiple replacements on a string of text or an array. This method uses matching arrays for patterns and replacements to make it easy to see what is being swapped for what.

= array(
0 => '/"/', // look for this
$aReplacements = array(
0 => '', // replace with this
$sSafeName = preg_replace($aPatterns, $aReplacements, $sStringOfTextNeedingCleaning);  //could also use $aArrayOfTextNeedingCleaning

Here is an example of what you get

= array(
0 => '/"/', // look for this
1 => '/help/',
2 => '/now/',
=> '/!/',
$aReplacements = array(
0 => '', // replace with this
1 => 'money',
2 => 'now',
=> '.',

$sStringOfTextNeedingCleaning = 'I need "some" help now!';
$sSafeName = preg_replace($aPatterns, $aReplacements, $sStringOfTextNeedingCleaning);  //could also use $aArrayOfTextNeedingCleaning

echo $sStringOfTextNeedingCleaning;

//would output
// I need "some" help now!
// I need some money please.

Manual description for preg_replace
